Monday, August 20, 2012

The challenge so far

My first challenge, a linen chemise, took a little longer than expected. This was my May/June challenge.

It took a while to work out how to do the sleeve ruffles, but I ended up hemming them with a rolled hem, and using whipped gathers to gather them up, which made for a nice easy whip stitch attachment.

July's project was a pair of mitts from the Kannik's Korner Stockings, Pockets and Mitts pattern. This pattern contains historical documentation.
I also found some extant  examples in museums

 Colonial Williamsburg, 1785-1840

I made my mitts from a cream cotton linen blend from my stash, with embroidery in a brown thread.

First I made a mock-up from scrap fabric, as i had to add a significant amount of size to the arm.

I think I put the thumbs in the wrong way, but they work so I'm not going to fix it!

For August I am working on a cap using the Kannik's Korner Woman's and Girl's Everyday Headwear Caps Pattern. 1740-1820. I am making the round eared cap using cotton lawn.
The pattern contains research that indicates that this style was used in the period, but I am also inspired by this picture of Jane Austen, done by her sister Cassandra and now held in the National Portrait Gallery.
I am also researching designs for several reticules, as well as painting designs for a fan.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

The adventure continues...

Actually, it never really stopped, we just stopped blogging. In April I was challenged to create an item every month (or every two months), instead of getting to March and realising that the Jane Austen Festival Australia was looming and all those projects we thought about after the previous festival were still just ideas.

So, it's time to dig out the old blog and dust it off a bit...